Questions to Ask Your Commerce Service Advisor
March 31, 2019
We find that a lot of Commerce drivers are a little tentative when they talk with their automotive advisors. They want to ask questions but don't want to be embarrassed or seem pushy. Vehicles are very complicated and there's more to know about them than most of us have the time to learn. Maybe i... More

Change Your Wiper Blades Twice Yearly at Commerce Auto Repair
March 24, 2019
Because 90% of our driving decisions are based on visual information, unobscured vision is paramount. Which brings us to the topic of today's Commerce Auto Repair article: wiper blades. While this isn't the most exciting automotive subject, it's important. You wouldn't drive at night in Commerce ... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Car Weight and Your Michigan Driving
March 17, 2019
Weight is the enemy of fuel economy. Everyone from Commerce knows this makes sense.Some of us in the Commerce area carry a bunch of unnecessary weight, and I'm not talkin' what you see in the mirror.Guys: sports equipment and tools. Ladies: well, just take a look around the passenger compartment ... More

Why a Trip Inspection Is a Good Idea
March 10, 2019
At Commerce Auto Repair we get a lot of Commerce drivers asking about vehicle trip preparation. That's a big deal. You could be driving through mountains and deserts in some pretty lonely areas around Michigan , so it's important to know that the vehicle is up to the task and won't leave you str... More

Sniffing Out a Problem
March 3, 2019
Your parents probably taught you to have common sense. When it comes to your vehicle, common scents can also come in handy. Different smells may tell you about some conditions in your vehicle that need attention. For example, you know what rotten eggs smell like. If you smell them around your ve... More